A condiment is any spice, sauce or food preparation that is added to food in order to enhance the flavour or complement the dish. Condiments can be added before cooking (marinades), during cooking (BBQ sauces) or after a dish is ready to be eaten (mustard and relish on a hot dog).
They’ve been around for as long as civilization has attained an advanced level of cooking and cuisine. In the 5th century cookbook, Apicius, an entire section is devoted to condiments.
Seasonings are condiments - compounds containing one or more spice extracts which can be added to a food, either during its manufacture or during its preparation, but before it is served not afterwards. Seasonings enhance the natural flavor of the food, making it more desirable to the consumer. The most common seasonings are salt and pepper. The are many variations of salt and pepper - celery salt, garlic salt, onion salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, white pepper. Besides being sprinkled onto one’s meal before eating, they are a part of a myriad of prepared condiments and sauces. For example, French salad dressing contains white pepper, as does bechamel sauce and many gravy mixes. Likewise with the various salts (onion salt, garlic salt, celery salt, etc), which are found in everything from chutney to chili sauce.
Condiments can be broken down into 10 main types:
Thick Sauces
Oily and Liquidy Sauces
Spreads and Pastes including jams and jellies
Spices, Powders, Or Natural Herbs
Salad and Salad Dressings
Pickles and Preserves
And Vinegar
The most common condiments in the West are definitely mustard and ketchup. This is reflected int he fact that they are also available in single serving packets. Almost as popular are the salad dressings and mayonnaise.
How bland would our meals be without the taste enhancing thick sauces like BBQ sauce, marinara sauce, chimichurri sauce, peanut sauce and cocktail sauce. And to dazzle our taste buds for desserts - chocolate sauce and the many different delicious sweet syrups.
Here’s a few common condiments - both western and international:
1. Barbecue Sauce- This sauce can be traced back to the 17th century and in its original form included pepper, salt, and vinegar. Needless to say, the BBQ sauce recipe has evolved.
2. Marinara Sauce - No one knows the exact origin, but it is a significant sauce in Italian-American cuisine.
3. Chimichurri - this uncooked sauce can be the best compliment to steaks and sausages, but pairing them with fish or poultry is also ideal. People can baste this sauce on the meat during cooking, or coat it on the cooked meat surface.
4. Cocktail Sauce - a dip for seafood like shrimp
5. Chocolate Sauce (or Syrup)
6. Teriyaki Sauce - for Japanese-style sauces, Teriyaki sauce is most popular.
7. Peanut Sauce - a Malaysian gift to the world of cuisine
8. Mayonnaise - mayonnaise has a long history but its exact origin is still in debate because both Spain and France lay claim to its first creation
9. Pesto - one of the most quintessential foods in Italy is Pesto – a green condiment which originated in Genoa
10. Aioli - this delicious garlic-based spread is a combination of 2 words meaning “oil” and “garlic”.
11. Soy Sauce - this sauce originates in China some 2,200 years ago
12. Olive Oil - not only is it versatile, but it is also great for your health.
13. Maple Syrup - introduced to the world by the indigenous people in North America,
14. Wasabi - hard hitting hot condiment to go with sushi - but its heat fades quickly G
15. Cheeses - If you use cheeses to act as enhancing-flavor components, they are condiments.
16. Cream Cheese - an ideal spread for many baked foods in America, Canada, and European countries.You can use either dried or fresh chili to make Harissa.
17. Herbs - any plant that people use its seeds, leaves, or flowers to flavor and increase dishes’ flavors
18. Paprika - a spicy hot friend of Mexican and Hungarian cuisine
19. Guacamole - this avocado-based dip is universally popular
20. Baba Ghanoush - eggplant based, this healthy food is native to the Middle East and South East Asia.
21. Hummus - chickpea-based, which gives it many nutrients and fiber.
22. Mustard and Its Varieties - how many different kinds of mustard have you tried?
23. Horseradish - the main flavor of this plant is potently spicy, but it will not burn your tongue like chili peppers
24. Chutney - comes in broad varieties with many vibrant colors
25. Tomato Ketchup - speaks for itself
26. Vinegar - another basic condiment that comes in many different varieties
Condiments - An Inevitable Ingredient & Side For Our Cuisines